Never let your location stop a successful transaction again. Yes you might have a business that accepts cash – but what about your customers who are off island, or prefer the use of credit cards? Did you know that there are over one billion cards issued worldwide? Imagine tapping into a fraction of that market for your business!! Give your clients peace of mind and offer them an easy, secure and convenient option to make their payments by becoming a CUB Merchant. With Visa/Mastercard accounting for 75% of the total volume of transactions with credit and debit cards worldwide, you can access a more diverse consumer base.
So what does that mean for you?
That’s why accepting Visa/MasterCard cards means great peace of mind and a guarantee of payment for your business.
Accepting major credit and debit cards makes it easier for people to pay for your products and services. Plus, electronic payments leave less room for error when it comes to tallying the day’s earnings. Our equipment is easy to set up and use. We offer a full range of solutions including E-commerce, wired and wireless point-of-sale terminals, which will give your customers more choices and more freedom.
Caribbean Union Bank is here for you, so stop thinking about it and come in to see how we can help you become a CUB Merchant … the Better Way!